Plantas Migradas / Migrated Plants

It is a meeting place for knowledge that has multiple sources and outcomes in time and space. It looks at biopolitical movements of plants, colonization and migration. It travels and explores different conceptual and geographical territories, and from situated perspectives, it brings us into a world where survival and the poetics of resistance mixed. Resistance in biological terms is the proliferation of differences. Migrated plants celebrated unity as these proliferations of differences. It focuses on plants that have been transported into other places through colonialism, human interaction, agriculture, natural events and the movement of birds and other animals. Migrated plants explore the complexities of situated knowledge concerning action from multiple perspectives.

It focuses on migrated plants and their belonging to systems, natural or designs created by human interventions. It demystifies the thoughts of the plants as invasive species and searches for new comprehension and relations the so-call invasive plant idea for the benefits of other species.

Migrated gathers audiovisual pieces that I have developed since 2009, based on my experiences in the territory of Panama, Colombia and Canada: Panama Canal Zone, San Basilio de Palenque in Colombia, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. among others

Migrated Plants (2009- ongoing)

Migrated Plants, a term I have coined-
Migrated Plants, combined a body of work composed of four autonomous but related projects:



Mala Hierba is an immersive, interactive, sculptural sound installation that invites viewers to interact at multiple levels with the

Corredor: Saccharum Spontaneum becomes “Paja Canalera”

Photography, video, programming for interactivity, multiple channel sounds, and performance with live musicians. An Ongoing project and series

Freedom Sown from Seeds in San Basilio de Palenque – Medicinal Plants

Photography, film, video, non-fiction web based platform, and interactive electronics. An Ongoing project and series of works started

Ulex Europaeus becomes “Retamo Espinoso”

Photography, drawing, community cooking, interactive installation with multiple channels of sound and video. An ongoing project with a

A dress for the Mangrove: The Enea goes out to the Carnival

Film, video, programming for interactivity, multiple channel sound for a sound walk and interventions in the land, sculptural

Estera (Mat) estera.migrated  and in spanish

The online platform project seeks to capture popular etnobotanic narratives to gather its local botanical knowledge, local ecological

Virtual Tour

With the generous support of Ontario Arts Council